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Somatic Exercise for a Weary Body

A free workshop with Erica Webb, Somatic Exercise Coach and registered counsellor

The live workshop has ended, but sign up for the replay below.

8 minute hips.jpg

To feel at home in your body.

To foster self-listening.

To meet yourself - and your body - with

kindness and compassion.

To melt tension and feel more peace.

That's ease.

Physical tension, aches and pains can make life feel so much harder.


Aching shoulders, tight hips, back pain ... you name it.

It can feel like your body is working against you and letting you down.

But what if there was a way to meet your body - and yourself - with more kindness; in a way that helps that tension dissipate so that you can experience ease, connection and even partnership with your body?

Join me for this free workshop where we will explore the gentle power of Somatic Exercise to help ease tension so you can experience more ease.

Sounds great ... but what the heck is Somatic Exercise?!

I'm so glad you asked. Somatic exercise is a mindful movement modality that:

> invites a deep brain-body connection to re-pattern persistent muscle tension.

> asks us to be present to our somatic selves - that's a fancy way of saying what it is to be a whole human - mind and body.

> acts not unlike the trusty reset button on our tech devices - giving us an opportunity to find our way back to centre time and time again.

> looks (and feels) like slow, gentle yoga-ish movements but without stretching. A somatic movement has two parts to it - contraction and release.

> can feel like a warm, friendly self-hug and a way of meeting yourself and your body with kindness, compassion and curiosity (rather than punishment, criticism and judgment).


What others say about classes with Erica

“I also wanted to add what an incredible gift you have been to my life – both in general, and in the last couple of weeks.


Your words, your energy and your humanity along with the amazing class content have made such a big difference.


I appreciate you enormously.”


-Sarah, SelfKind Hub Member-

What to expect in the 90 minute online workshop:

> We'll start with a chat around the WHY of somatic exercise and self-kindness. We could just dive right into the movement practice, but I truly believe this information is powerful in supporting you to foster a kind and compassionate relationship with yourself and your body. Understanding why our bodies behave the way they do opens a window into self-compassion.


> Then we'll get down on the floor and move. Expect 30-45 minutes of movement, focusing on finding more ease in your shoulders, back and hips.


This workshop is completely free of charge and I can't wait to share it with you.

Frequently Asked Questions:

I'm not very 'fit'. Will this be ok for me?

You just need to be able to get down on the floor and back up again. If you're unsure about your physical capacity for movement, reach out to your treating health professional. However, somatics is a very gentle mobility that is not focused on strength or resistance, but rather on something called pandiculation, which is like a big body yawn.

When is the workshop?

The live workshop has already ended, so you can watch the on-demand replay any time that suits you! It will be sent directly to your inbox.

Will I need any props?

A blanket or two (or pillows) would be handy, but that's it!

I have a chronic illness. Is this for me?

Short answer: yes. I work with many people experiencing chronic conditions. While I cannot tailor this class to the specific needs of every attendee, you will be invited to explore the practice within the context of your own experience - not to fit a notion of 'one way'. 

About Erica:

Erica Webb Counsellor and Mindful Movement Coach

Erica Webb is a somatic exercise coach and registered counsellor. Having worked in the movement space for 13 years, Erica draws upon her studies in Behavioural Science, Yoga, Pilates, Somatic Exercise and counselling to support people in navigating the seemingly endless loop of body aches and pains, stress and self-criticism.


Erica champions her fellow humans to reclaim self care and self-kindness in order to feel more at peace in their body and mind. This means leaning closer to one's own humanity, recognising the profound connection between body and mind, and using each to support the other.


Erica works with the people-pleasers, perfectionists and highly sensitive humans who are ready to feel more at home in their body and mind.

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