Lower Back Melt: Lower back feeling tight? Let's invite it to melt in this session that focuses on somatic exercise and using the breath to find more ease.
Upper chest + shoulder release: one simple somatic movement to bring more ease and comfort to the upper chest and shoulders.
Simple Somatics: In this session we're exploring a simple somatic exercise sequence that unwinds tension from top to toe.
Nervous System Soothe: This session is all about soothing the nervous system. Gentle, rhythmic movement, long slow breaths and the basic exercise to engage the vagus nerve.
Take a Seat Somatics: We're exploring somatic exercise from shoulders to hips in this session - but all from a chair!
The Basic Exercise: An overview of the Basic Exercise to engage the Vagus Nerve.
Self-Compassion Audio Track: Meeting yourself with compassion can support you in regulating your nervous system and navigating a way through self-criticism. Use this audio track to support your exploration of self-compassion.