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Erica Webb
3 min read
What's Somatic Exercise?
What's somatic exercise? What's somatics? It's more than just a buzzword - but what do you really need to know?

Erica Webb
3 min read
This is why you're not doing self-care
For a long time, self-care felt, to me, like a stupid lie. Like, I would go do the self-care-y things but I’d return back to my everyday...

Erica Webb
3 min read
Holistic Counselling - what is it?
I love a good definition, and if you Google the definition of 'holistic' you'll find this: characterised by the belief that the parts of...

Erica Webb
2 min read
Take inventory of your JOY!
Download my JOY INVENTORY to take stock of where you find joy so you can experience it every day!

Erica Webb
3 min read
No time for self-care? The mindset shift you need
Recently, during a presentation I did for a women-in-business organisation, I was asked: Do you have any tips for actually being able to...

Erica Webb
4 min read
Reclaiming Self-Care
Self-care feel out of reach? Maybe because you've never seen it demonstrated. Chances are you've seen sacrifice championed, not self-care

Erica Webb
4 min read
Knowing what to do for self-care isn't enough
Self-care. Honestly, I roll my eyes a bit when I hear (and say) these words. Of course, I still say them, because talking about self-care...

Erica Webb
5 min read
SelfKind Movement: What is it, Why do we want it, How do we do it?
I know you’ve heard it before: be kind to yourself, like you would be to your best friend. I also assume you kinda like the sound of the...

Erica Webb
4 min read
Am I Doing it ‘Right’ on the Yoga Mat?
How often do you wonder if you’re doing things the ‘right’ way? For me, this has long been a frustration. Am I raising my kids the right...

Erica Webb
3 min read
Are You Creating Tension Through Habit? The Dark Side of the Yoga Mat.
We do yoga as a form of escape, yes? Not necessarily a 'run away from the world' form of escape, though sometimes that can be true. But...

Erica Webb
4 min read
RnR Wherever You Are: The Power of Restorative Yoga
Restorative yoga with an entree of mindful movement to recharge your batteries and ease tension.

Erica Webb
4 min read
The Habit of Habit on the Yoga Mat.
Habits are useful. But what happens when we realise our habits on the mat are hard to spot, because even our noticing is habitual?

Erica Webb
4 min read
When Habit Hurts
I'm not about to throw away my dishwasher because without it I could more fully explore the capacity of my own hands to wash dishes ... like

Erica Webb
4 min read
The Yoga of Self-Responsiveness: Text Messages From the Body.
I want to start by asking a question. First, though, we need a set-up: You’re thinking about a friend. Maybe it’s someone whom you really...

Erica Webb
2 min read
On The Mat. My Yoga 'Why'.
I make no secret of the fact that I’m a sensitive soul. I feel deeply, which has often felt like a blessing and a challenge all rolled...

Erica Webb
4 min read
What Even is 'Somatic Exercise?' Let me tell you ...
You might already know that in addition to being a Yoga and Mat Pilates Instructor, I’m also something called a ‘Somatic Exercise Coach’...

Erica Webb
2 min read
Yoga and Pilates ‘Snacking’: Because A Little Bite is Good.
I’m a big believer that something is better than nothing when it comes to movement. One movement, executed with intention, curiosity and...

Erica Webb
5 min read
Underpin Your Yoga and Pilates Practice With These Two Things.
What underpins your movement practice? Whatever your movement practice is - though I assume it might involve yoga and pilates if you've...
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