I want to say thank you for your unlocking shoulder tension 5 day challenge!
I finally made time for self care to work through the 5 videos, and I feel so much better already. I have been struggling with pain in my right shoulder blade area (from using the computer mouse).
Thank you for taking the time to provide this amazing service!
- Ashley Costa -
Tight, tense shoulders can be such a pain.
You might feel it as a heaviness, tightness and knotting as you sit at your desk or try to get comfy for sleep.
Maybe that persistent sense of discomfort has become so familiar that you’re wondering if this is just your new normal to white-knuckle through. You’re frustrated and wish there was a magic wand you could wave to relieve you of that tension once and for all.
Friend, I hear you.
Persistent shoulder tension can take up a lot of energy and make it harder to do the things that matter to you.
I'm not the kind of person who will tell you I have a magic wand (ha! I wish!).
But, I am here to tell you that I have some tools that can help in a REALLY big way.
Introducing Unlocking Shoulder Tension:
a five day challenge to release tight shoulders
If tight, tense shoulders are your current reality, I’d love for you to join me.
This 5-day program focuses on relieving shoulder tension through mindful movement and the magical* ingredient of self-kindness.
You can sign up now and get started right away!​
(* not real magic. I am but a laywoman with a bag of highly effective but non-magical tricks)
Self-kindness?! Isn't that kinda irrelevant? You're here for shoulder tension, not a lesson in self-love, right?
Well, actually, it's gonna be both.
See, the thing is, that tension in your shoulders isn't just about your body. Your mind and body are deeply intertwined. So, yes, we're going to coming at this from both angles.
This 5 day challenge will arm you with practical, gentle mindful movements you can use to help melt tension
AND an invitation to meet yourself and your discomfort in a new way.
Some new ideas and different movements and stretches.
Especially Day 2's really hit the spot.
- Joanne -
The length of the videos ... the information was in digestible, bite size pieces. I frequently came back to the word melt when moving through the exercises. A great way to describe the feeling that I was looking to attain.
- Marnie -
I felt like I had a few specifics movements I can practice to keep
working with my shoulder tension issues.
- JPB -
What's included?
Daily guided video practices incorporating gentle movement, mindfulness and self-kindness
A daily self-compassion and kindness guided audio track
A handy desk-based-movement download (print it or save it for future reference)
And it's all completely free! Exactly zero dollars.
The best bit? It'll only ask for a few minutes each day.
Videos that are simple, doable and practical.
And I’ll be there to guide you.
I’m Erica Webb - a registered counsellor and mindful movement coach.
My work exists at the intersection of mind and body - because how you think impacts how you feel and how you feel impacts how you think.
My mission is to support people just like you to love themselves and their body more, to shift tension and feel more peace in body and mind.
I can’t wait for you to join me for the Unlocking Shoulder Tension Challenge.
Sign up by clicking that big pink button below.
Did I mention the challenge is totally free?!
A few important things to note:
This challenge is not:
A replacement for physical or psychological therapy, diagnosis or treatment
Medical advice
Appropriate for those in acute phases of injury
To participate you will need to be able to comfortably get down to the floor and up again. Many of the practices will involve laying on the floor. You can also practice on an elevated surface like a bed.
Ready? Let's get you started!
Fill out the form below and have the challenge delivered to your inbox.